Friday, September 5, 2014

......and now our expansion

The summer heat is just about gone now......same goes for the crops. It is that time of the year that Farmer Deno just loves.....expansion of the crop/orchard selections and construction. For the next five months anyone that drives by our farm will see some amazing stuff going on. For example......the apple orchard is currently being removed.

There is much to write about ......but just too much for this one post today. Let me tell you about the 3 new variety of fruit trees....and the addition of another variety that we have. Please do not drool on your keyboard as you read............

A new orchard of  Elephant Heart Plum aka Blood Plum. Size of a small baseball. Sweeter than Farmer Deno. Harvest in Septembers.

Pomegranate Wonderful is gigantic. It's the Godzilla of  Pomegranates! Super red....considered to be the best of all varieties. Another September crop.

You'll be making Peach Cobbler a few months earlier with our April/May harvest of Earligrande Peaches. This will give the Natomas Farm 3 varieties of Peaches. Size of these yellow fruits is that of a tennis ball.

Black Mission Figs.....yes are are tripling the current size of our fig orchard. We had folks coming from Granite Bay just to buy our figs....and requests to ship. A sold out crop this summer.

Now....wipe off your keyboard.

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