Sunday, January 25, 2015

......creating life

It's cold as an Alaskan freezer outside.....and the hothouse that Farmer Deno built last year is working fantastically. So warm in there that I have to remove my jacket while creating new life for the farm.

This is the week our seeds are finding their way from the package to a nice warm bed of custom made soil. They will be a happy bunch of youngsters that will be sprouting from a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and sand. I've always felt that sand was a big off micro minerals and adding some weight to the containers.

All of our  heirloom and/or organic seeds are purchased from We never have issues with this outfit. Don't be fooled into buying seeds from those catalog flyer's that you get in the mail.....or the super duper discount junk on the'll most likely end up with issues of seed counts to shipping delays.

A good.....well....a darn very good website for checking out a seed vendor is here: Save yourself from having a fit!

You may have noticed that in one of the above veggie flats are sitting up top of a electric blanket. It is sandwiched in a water tight plastic sheeting. Works like a champ. I expect some folks reading about this blanket business are rolling their eyes bout now. Well.....last year I use heating pads used for humans muscle aches....and that worked great too. More eyes rolling here? :-) you know where that electric blanket disappeared to.

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