Thursday, February 5, 2015

....the show starts shortly

So I am late getting this post out...and I do  have a great excuse beside that "my dog ate my homework" explanation. Farmer Deno has been preparing several acres of land for one of our newest arrivals.......Elephant Heart Plums.

For several days.....we have been leveling the land.....and creating excessive rain water run off drainage in this area. Planting holes have been dug too. Today we start adding a shovel scoop of good ol' aged chicken manure to each hole......then the trees will be installed on February 16th.

There is going to be a great show of the color red from blossoms of this orchard......all which can be viewed simply by driving down Marysville Road. We encourage all to take a little self guided tour..... of not only the new orchards being installed....but the farm itself.!farm-tours/czo9 Don't let our three little doggies bother you with their barking....they are extremely friendly.

Oh.....just what is an Elephant Heart Plum?

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