Monday, February 9, 2015

......oink oink, we love this vacationland


Having well over a hundred chickens and two pot belly piggies in the same yard simply an insane idea. I has done here for five years until a few weeks ago.

I want you to imagine what happens to128 chickens that are incredibly hungry for their morning chow. Ever been to a Black Friday sale at Walmart? First in line? Pushing and shoving......squawking and fluttering limbs. That is what happens each morning at the chicken yard.

Now try feeding the pigs in the same yard....

Spending 20 minutes in that yard defending the pig chow bowl as the two pot bellies eat......many times in the rain.....amounted to five hours a month. That's 60 hours a year!

We spent the day moving the pig hut from the chicken yard to the area we call "the lower arena". Nested under the Fig trees where plenty of sunlight shines. The fencing had non barbed wire installed to the low of the ground. This same area of 1/2 acre is being currently being prepared for an orchard of Fig trees ......and a petting farm animal "zoo" for our tours. Yes....we are adding some more animals to our farm. More on this in another future post.

Two weeks have come and gone.....and those two family pet piggies are in vacationland. If you drive down a little past our fruit stand off Marysville Road!fruitstand/c13j5 can clearly see them on the hilltop.....soaking up the sun ....laying on their beach chairs.

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