Friday, August 14, 2015

......their chicken paws reached the gas pedal?

 Well...the darn chickens went out this morning and rented a U Haul truck.....and they are moving into the new chicken coop this very second. I have just one question about all this: how in the hell did they get their chicken paws to reach the gas pedal?

The new coop is completed......the first of two planned. This coop was built on mistakes of the past.......and what a big difference it is compare to the other current coops. Those are standing height.....hard to clean.

I made an extra wide entrance case I need to get a wheel barrel in there....or whatever that might pop up. Exterior clean out a flap door from the outside....rake out the manure...and ya are done in 10 minutes. The older coops for clean out takes 30 minutes and it's a job from Hell to do.

This unit will house 100 new "ladies".....perch to a private run yard . All this done within the existing chicken yard. The new ladies got transferred to the coop a few days ago. They will remain in there for two to three weeks.....reason for the private yard. Chickens need to be "homed" to the final home....for their senses to re boot where they are to go each sunset ...once they are free ranging.

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