Friday, August 14, 2015

.......the future of figs

A few years at the farm....I planted a handful of Black Mission Figs. Sometimes I wish that we were strictly a fig farm...for it is so easy to grow and to harvest....figs. What is even better....for the last two years....our entire crop has been sold.

The biggest pest has been birds feeding on the figs. Now that may sound like a real is...only if the farmer is greedy and wants to save every last fig to himself. After monitoring the crop last year and this year....the birds are taking just 5% or less. This is a number that I can live with. Who really wants to be out there covering the trees with nets? Having a boom machine ( noise maker to scare birds) going off every 15 minutes would be the road to metal instability for me! Besides......birds get caught in the nets and then birds get acclimated to the boom noises.

Dont even talk to me about those bright aluminum reflector strips......or the used CDs hanging from the tree limbs. It does not work. This bright aluminum idea belongs to your Holiday tree in the living room!

So good were the sales...I decided to order 20 more Black Mission Fig trees. We have a parcel of land right behind our roadside fruit stand.....and it is perfect for the orchard. Someday....the entire parcel will not have a single ray of sun hitting the ground. It's a perfect spot for future outdoor functions.

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