Friday, September 18, 2015

....perhaps goats are smarter than you think.

We had goats.............once upon a time. Weeks before we actually bought this piece of land that is now called a farm....we had visions of having cute little goats wondering upon the lay of the land. Nay baa... Nay baas' that would fill the air. From this fantasia of mindset was still more visions of having these four legged weed whackers. Goat milk soap. Cuddling little critters for kids to pet and hug. You get the picture right?

According to many historians, goats were the first animal to be domesticated. Goats are typically the cleanest of animals. They are much more selective feeders than cows, chickens, or even dogs. They typically will not eat food that has been contaminated or that has been on the floor or ground. Perhaps goats are smarter than you think.

In reality.......for us it was a very bad dream! Each early day we had to take the four goats we had....out of their pens to the field. Bring em' back in at night.....after chasing them for an hour. Repetitiously pulling their stuck heads out of the wire fencing. Chasing a few down the county road.....they were indeed better than Houdini, the escape artist.

Still more issues cropped up. Our dogs would taunt the goats....and the stray dogs coming off the street would attempt to attack. This happens a lot on farms. The countryside is full of stray dogs that get thrown out like garbage...... by their human master of the city. Loose or runaway dogs from the surrounding  neighborhoods was a weekly issue.

So before you get a few goats for that farm you just advice is.....dont! Our four goats now reside at a farm in Dixon.

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