Sunday, September 20, 2015

....they thought it was a sunny day at the beach

The old timers know this: put some light in the hen coop and they will keep laying during the shorter daylight hours. This past week....our ladies decided to cut back on the ol' egg output. It's that time to fool em again!

We use a 60W Equivalent Red Spiral CFL Light Bulb in each coop. Estimated energy cost.... $.75  for about four months....based on three hours per day. That's cheap! The lights are on a timer that will turn on 430 a.m. and then turn a few hours later. Why the red bulb and not the white? Red has a calming effect on the ladies.

These bulbs are not used to generate heat. The Sacramento area night time winter temperatures are fine for the long as the coops have been draft proofed. Just make darn sure that you bought LED bulbs...and not the 800 watt heat lamp bulbs that are used for rotisseries.

...unless you have a side dish to go with them!

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