Tuesday, October 27, 2015

...we just don’t have time for her anymore

I am appalled by the pet ads on Craigslist from idiotic people who are abandoning (dumping) their animals. What does this post have to do with our farm? We use Craigslist and from time to time....these ads are forced upon my reading eyes.

I listed a few of the common bologna excuses that I see:

We don’t have room in our apartment anymore for our Great Pyrenees.”
No, duh. Maybe you should have considered that before you brought that white fluff ball home. That sweet, cuddly pup that looks like a stuffed animal is going to turn into a 130-pound yeti in a matter of weeks.

We have to get rid of our dog because I’m allergic.”
I understand that some people may not know they’re allergic to dogs before they bring them home, but test this one out a bit. Ever stayed at someone’s house and felt congested from their pet’s dander? Maybe dog ownership is not for you. Spend some quality time with some dogs before you commit to bringing one home. But really....you thought you could handle a cute pet knowingly you had allergic reactions.....

The puppy is nipping at my children.”
Yep. That’s what puppies do.

We’re moving and so we have to get rid of our dog.”
I understand that there may be extenuating economic circumstances, but in general, I think it’s cruel to abandon your dog because you’re moving. I myself wouldn’t dream of moving into a place that wouldn’t allow me to bring my dog with me.

Or, the most infuriating: “We just don’t have time for her anymore.”
You can go to hell for all I care Mr/Mrs Butthead

I'm Farmer Deno, and that's my complaint for the month.

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