Friday, November 6, 2015

......bees wont bother you Gary

 A few months ago we added 20 bee boxes to the farm operations. This was most successful in terms of honey output. The real reason for getting the hives in here was to pollinate the fruits and vegetable crops.

I discovered that without the import of bees...the yields are smaller of the output of our produce. One cannot depend on the off site bee boxes to pollinate the crops. There are many locations near our farm that has boxes.....hundreds of boxes.....yet few bees did I ever encounter here at our farm.

A few weeks ago.....15 more boxes were added. The night before the big move is a good time to get the hives ready, but for morning people, before dawn on the day of the move also works. If the hive is closed up during the day, any foragers out in the field will be left behind. It's a strange sight to witness when these boxes are brought in during the dark. With all the new buzzing arrivals....their presence is noticeable throughout the farm now.

A few facts about bees....On average, a queen lays around 1,000 eggs each day.....and can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day. A healthy colony contains around 60,000 bees. 30,000 bees are inside the colony helping the queen and attending to the brood..... the other 30,000 bees are out foraging for nectar and pollen. Bees always prefer it when they find flowers close to the hive. However..... bees will forage as far away from the hive up to five miles. A pound of bees contains about 3,300 bees. 

Farmer Deno's brother Gary hates bees. Really hates them. I keep telling him that they wont bother him...too much.

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