

Friday, February 19, 2016

....and this is what Farmers do in the Spring

Whenever the weather Gods break out the Spring season.......such as it has been for the last few weeks.....Farmer Deno is reminded of the days going camping. Doc Jeanette and I would merely hitched Land Rover to the pre_loaded chuck wagon (a trailer that was a roving kitchen and storage of our gear) ....throw the brats AKA Branwyn Fesler Nick Fesler Josh Fesler into the Pope Mobile......be on our way to the Point Reyes / Tamales Bay area. Always a blast having a day where we all (me included) would body surf at Stinson Beach til we dropped dead of exhaustion (well, me only).

Doc Jeanette Treiber and Farmer Deno have decided to buy a RV this year......to throw the brat dogs AKA Damn Lucky Dog - Black - Number Four .....teach them a thing or two about the Spring time.

Yes......owning a farm requires vacation time.....a commodity that is tough to grab.

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