

Thursday, December 15, 2011

11 pissed off pigeons

 I wish that I had started this blog when we first bought the farm a few years ago. Having said that.....there was a lot of improvements completed in the beginning. For example.....the barn pictured above was a total write off. The roof looked as if a few meteorites hit one night.....the walls looked as though somebody drove in and out of the barn, not using the entrances...and the winged rats had taken refuge in the loft.
 The farm in general looked like that place shown in "Green Acres", the T.V. show of the 60's. We did question ourselves of our sanity after buying the farm :-)
 Finally...the face of the barn is completed. It looks like a farm here
now. Bad news is there's 11 pissed off pigeons that got evicted from the
top level as I had to install the new upper door,their only access in and out. I'm using a umbrella when I go out tomorrow!
 The back side of the barn is yet to be restored. I am tearing off all the exterior panel wood...and replacing that, due to rot. A new staircase with a balcony will be constructed too. I'm just glad that we had a roofing contractor apply a new roof, some three years ago.