

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cold battles.....

 A scene from this morning here at "Icy Farms". My orange trees have more blankets on than I did last night!
 It has been freezing for two weeks now. Weather forecast shows another week's worth of this coldness. The young orange trees are holding up well this year. I covered the trees with burlap before any "unexpected" frost hit us.
 Last year I awoke to heavy ice in the orchard, the trees took a big hit. It was a struggle to keep them alive for the rest of the year because the leaves had died off....it is the leaves that creates a "blanket" to keep the branches freezing. It's all about protecting the branches!
Once the trees are 4-5 years old...the burlap blankets will not be necessary. Then I can be warm again at night..........